Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fort DeSoto, Florida

For more information visit the Fort DeSoto Park website at

Top View: Colorful Patio and Restaurant in Historic Fort DeSoto Park.
Bottom View: The Mortars at For DeSoto.

In 1513, Ponce de Leon anchored off this Island and again in 1521 when he was attacked by Indians and received the wound that later caused his death in Havana, Cuba.
The Fort was built in 1898 and armed with 8-12" mortars which never fired a single shot at any enemy.

Colorful Steam Engin and train passing the old Fort at Fort De Soto Park, Florida.


  1. I think Ranney and I picnicked with some friends here. I had no idea about the location's significance as concerning Ponce de Leon's mortal wound. History.

  2. i never knew fort desoto once had a train?

  3. I don't believe I ever visited Fort Desoto. It seems like many attractions of the time had trains and other attractions that didn't seem to fit but that were probably added to draw more crowds.

  4. I remember as a young kid in the early 70's always seeing a train station shelter or gazebo like bldg that had train ride info...and I remember the tracks...but never saw the train ever. It must of stopped before even the early to mid 70's.....I remember telling people about it....but they thought I was crazy. Now I see the picture of it finally! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I'm pretty sure the train was still going in the early 70's it had a guided tour that might still be going on but bot sure

  6. I visited as a young boy in 1968 and I never saw a train...I was so fascinated by the 12" mortars though.
