CK.51 - Fabulous Florida's Cypress Gardens - The Esther Williams Swimming Pool was built in the shape of the map of Florida, projecting out in Lake Eloise, as a set for MGM technicolor movie filmed at Cypress Gardens. (The film was Easy To Love from 1953 co-starring Van Johnson)

FG-61 - Happy Times In A Florida Garden. Beautiful Bougainvillea, Azaleas and Petunias frame dancing Southern Belles in famous Cypress Gardens, Floirda

FNC-925 - The Fascinating Silhouettes of Cypress Trees: One of the typical trees of Florida against a beautiful sunset in Cypress Gardens, Florida.

FG159 - Throne Of Citrus Royalty - When this unique throne at Cypress Gardens, Florida is not being used by Florida Citrus Queens, visitors from all over the world can make pictures of their friends and family as they sit on the throne and reign as King or Queen for a day.