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Totem Pole
This TOTEM POLE is 42 feet high and is found in the BIG ROOM, where the ceiling arches to 150 feet high. It is near the trail in the world's largest caverns.
Lunch Room
Every day, hundreds of visitors can be served each hour, in the mammoth underground Lunch Room, 750 feet below the surface. Box lunches with hot or cold drinks are served.
Bat Flight From Natural Entrance
The bat flight is one of the park's greatest attractions. Flying from the caverns each evening from April through October, bats in incredible numbers spiral upward out of the entrance and fly southward over the rim of the escarpment to feed in the valleys of the Black and Pecos Rivers below.
Rock Of Ages
This large formation is found in the BIG ROOM. Its height is approximately equal to a five story building. The orange coloring is caused by iron oxide stain. The caverns are open the year 'round.
Queen's Chamber
One of the 4 beautiful scenic rooms, it contains the largest drapery formations in the Caverns, along with the rare root-like helictites. Carlsbad Caverns National Park is open every day in the year. For complete tour information, write the Superintendent, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, N.M.
Veiled Statue
Located in the Green Lake Room, the first scenic room to ve entered on the cavern tour, this huge column forms a striking picture. Standing alone on a huge block of debris it justifies its name, appearing like a huge statue ready for unveiling. Carlsbad Caverns National Park is open all year. For complete tour information write the superintendent, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Carlsbad, New Mexico.

Crystal Spring Dome
Located in the Big Room, the Crystal Spring Dome is Carlsbad Caverns' largest active stalagmite. Recent studies indicate that its present rate of growth will add the thickness of a coat of paint to its surface in 80 to 100 years.