Piney Woods Court
408 So. Broad St. Thomasville, Georgia
Four blocks south of center of town on U.S. 19, directly across from City Park. Quiet and comfortable with Air-conditioning, Heating, Television, Tile Baths.
Alice and Olin Anderson, Owner-Managers
Historic Kelly House at Chickamauga Battlefield near Rossville, Georgia and Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Beautiful Northeast Georgia
Lake Tugalo
The Tallulah and the Chattooga Rivers join here, inside the city limits of Tallulah Falls, Ga., and flow out of the penstocks of the Georgia Power Company dam as the Tugalo, to meet the Seneca downstream and form the Savannah. The Tallulah-Tugalo is one of the busiest rivers in the world, pouring through six hydroelectric dams in 37 1/2 miles and generating 166,420 kilowatts or 223,080 horsepower. Total fall is 1,198 feet. Lakes Burton, Nacoochee, Terrora, Tallulah, Tugalo, and Yonah of this chain harbor some of the biggest trout in the South. The left, or western shore of Tugalo lies in Georgia, the right in South Carolina. The blue mountains in the distance are in North Carolina. U.S. 23 and 441 cross Tallulah Gorge near here.
'Neath this tree stood Sidny Lanier, Under inspiration of the oak and the marsh wrote the Marshes of Glenn, I heartly lay hold on the greatness within the range of the marshes, the Liberal Marshes of Glenn, Lanier born at Macon, Ga., 1842, Died 1881.