Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Petersburg, Virginia

Stedman, Union Siege Line
Petersburg National Military Park, VA.
These 12 pounder “Napoleons” are aimed towards the Confederate Defense Line surrounding Petersburg. Here on March 25, 1865, General Lee’s troops in their Last Grand Offensive captured Fort Stedman. They were unable to break through, and were forced back in the same day.

Blandford Church
Petersburg, Virginia
This Colonial church, constructed in 1735-37, has been restored as a Confederate Memorial Chapel. In the adjacent cemetery, which dates from 1702, are buried veterans of eight wars, including thousands of Confederates killed during the Siege of Petersburg.

“The Crater” as it appears today
Petersburg National Military Park, Va.
“The Crater”, was formed on the morning of July 30, 1864, when the Union Army exploded 4 tons of gunpowder beneath a Confederate fortification, opening the way into Petersburg. Union troops were unable to break-out the Crater area, and after heavy losses were soon forced back to their lines.


  1. That church is so pretty! And I thought I didn't like colonial architecture.

  2. Not usually my bag either but it does have a quaintness that is appealing.
